Reporting on Migraine Treatment Through Acupuncture

CNN reported on this story in February of 2017, which was an announcement of a study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association regarding research into migraine headaches. The research study, conducted by Ling Zhao, PhD, Jiao Chen, PhDD, and Ying Li, PhD, through the cooperation of Chengdu University in Sichuan, China, West China Hospital at Sichuan University, Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chongqing Medical University, and Ningxia Medical University, showed considerable efficacy in the use of acupuncture for the relief of migraine pain.

CNN is quoted in saying: “Researchers in China found that properly administered acupuncture therapy may reduce the frequency of the most common types of migraines. The research, which builds on a body of knowledge from smaller studies, looked at how true acupuncture compared with sham acupuncture in reducing migraine attacks and symptoms in those who have been battling the condition for at least a year.
“All treatments were administered by trained and licensed acupuncturists who trained for at least five years and had four or more years of clinical experience. Recipients of ‘true acupuncture’ were treated in four acupoints chosen by clinical experts. The four points used for the ‘sham’ group were chosen to avoid migraine relief.”

The 24-week, randomized clinical trial included 249 patients with migraine without aura. Without aura is a description of what is also known as common migraine. WebMD states, “A migraine without aura is the most common type of migraine headache. They account for about 60% to 80% of all migraines. It doesn’t have the early symptoms, called an aura, that some people have before a migraine begins, like vision changes, dizziness, confusion, feeling prickling skin, and weakness.”

Migraine sufferers know how debilitating migraines can be. That these clinical trials stand on the documented success of acupuncture should give hope to migraine sufferers everywhere that seek to avoid pharmaceutical remedies.

Please see the full story at CNN, and the published study at JAMA.

Acupuncture and IVF

According to, “In vitro fertilization (IVF) is not a complex procedure to understand. Broken down into its most basic parts, IVF has five main steps:

1) Stimulate the growth and development of multiple eggs within the ovaries
2) Removal of the eggs (Egg Retrieval)
3) Fertilization of the eggs
4) Embryo culture (allowing the fertilized eggs to grow and develop in the laboratory)
5) Placement of the embryos into the uterus

“Each of these five steps can be performed in a slightly different manner based on the preferences of the physician. At IVF1, we use an evidence based approach to determine the protocols for IVF. Below is a more detailed explanation of the IVF process.”

What people don’t usually know is that acupuncture can be a beneficial aid in the success of implementing the IVF procedure. How beneficial exactly has been the major point of discussion.

The article suggested here at suggests the efficacy of the treatment can be substantial in some circumstances and analyzes credible studies over the past 15 years of research.

According to one study examined in their article, “IVF patients who had acupuncture had a 42% pregnancy rate. IVF patients who did not have acupuncture had a 26% rate.”

While there are numerous variables in the study of acupuncture and IVF, and that the need for further research continues, patients looking into acupuncture for the assistance in achieving success in IVF would do well to review this story.

For the complete article, please see

Knee Arthritis Finds Relief with Acupuncture

Knee Arthritis Finds Relief with Acupuncture

According to a story published by the Cleveland Clinic, knee arthritis sufferers are finding relief through acupuncture.

The story also points out how acupuncture can be a promising solution to another national ailment: opioids.

States author Jamie Starkey, “Across the country, doctors are striving to avoid prescribing medication, particularly opioids, for chronic pain. Research shows acupuncture to be a cost-effective way to treat pain with very little risk for the patient.

In fact, acupuncture is one of the treatments now recommended as a first line of defense against pain in national guidelines for physicians.”

The full study can be read at

Reducing Nausea During Chemotherapy Treatment of Rheumatic Diseases

A study published by Oxford University Press found acupuncture combined with ondansetron treatment to be successful in reducing the nausea caused by chemotherapy treatment for rheumatoid sufferers. The study was conducted by A. Josefson, from the Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research, at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sweden.and M. Kreuter, and published in 2003.

For the complete report, please see